The Benefits of Water For Human Life

The Benefits of Water For Human Life

The environment consists of biotic and abiotic components. The biotic component consists of living things, while the abiotic component itself consists of water, soil, air, climate, temperature, humidity, and others. The two components have an interdependence relationship. Living things need abiotic components. One of them is water.

Water is a basic need for living things in an area. Water comes from many sources, such as rivers, groundwater (wells), rainwater, glacier water, and dew. Most of the water consumed by humans comes from groundwater (wells). This is because groundwater is much more abundant than surface water. Groundwater comes from rainwater that is absorbed by the soil through rock crevices so that it reaches the groundwater level.

Living things need water to survive. This is because almost 70% of the bodyweight consists of water. With the development of the times and technology, water is widely used to meet other needs. Such as industry, power generation, household needs, agriculture, fisheries, and so on.

Utilization of Water Resources in the Surrounding Environment

Characteristics of a region on earth are different. These characteristics produce different human cultures as well. Likewise the use of environmental water resources in each region. Some areas have high water resources, but some areas have low water resources. The following is a summary of the general use of water resources in the surrounding environment.

  • Fulfillment of Living Needs.

The Benefits of Water For Human Life

Human life cannot be separated from water, even in the past, our ancestors founded a civilization near the river. The goal is that civilization is close to water resources. Not much different from today. Living things like choosing to live close to water sources.

This water source has benefits for animal, plant, and human life. Humans use groundwater for drinking, bathing, washing, cooking, and other needs. Water resources used by humans for daily needs come from groundwater (wells), mountain springs, lowland springs, and rivers.

Water sources that are used by humans for their daily needs have advantages and disadvantages. For example, well water resources. Water can be obtained easily, by digging into the soil. However, well water is not good if consumed continuously. The mineral content in groundwater is very high, has a cloudy color when it rains and has a temperature of 24.3-27.3 degrees Celsius.

  • Agriculture and Fisheries

The Benefits of Water For Human Life

Agriculture and fisheries also use water. Agriculture uses water as irrigation, while fisheries utilize water as a cultivation medium. Water is important in agriculture and fisheries. Low rainfall can interfere with the use of water in these two areas. If there is a problem, the solution is to use groundwater. Farmers will drill boreholes to pump water from the well to the ground

  • Power plants

The Benefits of Water For Human Life

The existence of water resources in a region is different. There are areas with high water resources and there are also low ones. Areas with high water resources can be used as power plants or more commonly referred to as PLTA (Hydroelectric Power Plant). This power plant utilizes surface water, namely in the form of reservoirs, lakes, or rivers.

  • Ecosystem Indicator

The Benefits of Water For Human Life

The need for water resources by living things is very vital. They need water to survive. However, if the water resources in an area are polluted. Living things that live in the vicinity will experience health problems. Animals and plants that are around it will die because they cannot survive the existing water pollution. For example, such as water in the Serayu River, Central Java Province. The fish in the river died because of the high nitrate content in the water.

  • Tourist Business

The Benefits of Water For Human Life

Besides being used for basic needs, water can also be used for entertainment needs. Water resources both on the surface and underground can be utilized as a tourist spot. Tourists can do various activities such as rafting and diving in underground rivers. One of the underground rivers that have begun to be managed, namely underground river tourism in South Kalimantan Province.

  • Industrial Needs

The Benefits of Water For Human Life

The industry also requires water as a raw material for production. Many industries use water as a raw material for production. Such as the drinking water industry, food processing, batik, textiles, hotels/inns, and others. Several existing industries can treat the wastewater produced. However, some industries do not treat waste and dispose of it in rivers. This can pollute the environment.

Thus the summary of the use of water resources in the surrounding environment. Many of the benefits of water are used by living things. Therefore, we can protect water from pollution and preserve it. How to do water conservation. Such as making rainwater infiltration wells and reducing the production of water-polluting waste. If the presence of groundwater is maintained, the survival of living things will also be protected.
