How to Make Ginger Syrup to Build Tourism Potential in the Surrounding Environment

 How to Make Ginger Syrup to Build Tourism Potential in the Surrounding Environment

Most of the developing countries in the world have natural resources that have not been managed optimally. These countries usually take advantage of natural resources. Natural resources themselves are divided into 2 types, namely Natural Resources and Non-Biological Natural Resources. Biological Natural Resources consist of animals and plants in an area. Meanwhile, Non-Biological Resources consist of mineral materials to processed materials. Each region in the world has different Natural Resources. There are areas that have Biological Natural Resources, there are regions that have Non-Biological Natural Resources, and some have both. These natural resources can support the life of the people in the area. The community can also process existing natural resources into a source of community economy. The processing of natural resources is a potential that can be developed into tourism. In fact, agricultural land and plantations in an area can actually be an attractive tourist attraction.

          The tourism sector is one sector that can help the economy. This is because almost all fields can contribute, from food, drinks, tour guides, transportation, lodging, textiles to souvenirs. However, the various potentials in developing countries have not been utilized optimally. Some developing countries only focus on industrial sector extraction from nature. In fact, if the tourism potential can be optimized, it can improve the social and economic conditions that exist in developing countries. Much can be done to support tourism activities in the surrounding environment. The trick is to make spice syrup to support the creative economy. As you know, developing countries in tropical climates such as Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, have many spices that are beneficial to the body. Processing spices into syrup can support the creative economy. The spice syrup produced can be sold at tourist attractions or sold online. One of the spices that can be used is ginger. To make spice syrup from ginger, follow these steps!

Tools and materials

  1. 250 gr ginger
  2. 600 ml water
  3. 250 gr (5 blocks) brown sugar
  4. 1/2 tsp salt
  5. Cooking utensils

Making Steps

  1. Prepare tools and materials to make spice syrup from ginger.
  2. Peel the ginger and slice it into small pieces. To make ginger syrup, the recommended type of ginger is red ginger but combine it with emprit ginger.
  3. Place the peeled ginger in a blender, then add the water.
  4. Blend the ginger for 10-15 minutes or until smooth.
  5. Put the blended ginger into a saucepan.
  6. Add 250gr/5 block of brown sugar and spoon of salt
  7. Put 600ml of water in a saucepan, then warm the water in the pot.
  8. Add the grated ginger to the pot. heat the ginger mixture on the stove for 10-15 minutes. Stir the ginger mixture until it boils.
  9. Remove the ginger mixture then drain. Separate the water from the ginger pulp completely. Heat the water that has been separated from the ginger pulp until the sugar dissolves completely and boils.
  10. When the ginger mixture has thickened, turn off the stove. Remove and store in the prepared place. Allow the cooked ginger to cool.
  11. Put the liquid ginger syrup into a sterilized bottle. When putting syrup into the bottle, it can be filtered. But it can also be done without filtering.
  12. Close the syrup bottle with an airtight lid. So that the syrup made can last a long time.
  13. Label the syrup bottles that have been made. Add syrup serving suggestions.
  • For example: Pour enough ginger syrup, add 1 tablespoon of ginger or turmeric powder into a glass.
  • Add enough warm water.
  • Stir until the syrup mixes with the water.
  • Ginger spice syrup is ready to be enjoyed

In addition to ginger syrup as a form of creative economic support, here are some potentials that can be developed in the surrounding environment. Such as making cassava chips with a variety of flavors and spicy levels or making handicrafts from household waste, such as bags from food wrappers.
Here is a video tutorial on how to make spice syrup.

