Making Water Hyacinth Briquettes in Utilizing the Potential of New Renewable Energy in the world

    This world has diversity, ranging from natural and human wealth. These conditions should enable humans to innovate with existing resources. However, sources of fuel in the world still use fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are used for the industrial sector. Although the industrial sector in the world is very important for development. The goal is to meet the needs of people's lives. Over time, many sources can be utilized for energy. One of them is a source of energy that comes from bio energy. For example, vegetable waste, fruit market waste, agricultural waste (husk, coconut). it all depends on the characteristics of the region in the world. Because every region in the world has different potential and characteristics.

    Bio energy is produced/derived from biomass. Biomass is organic material that is relatively young and comes from plants/animals; aquaculture industry products & waste (agriculture, plantation, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery)]. One of the natural resources that can be used for biomass energy is water hyacinth. This plant has different names in some areas. For example, in the Palembang area, Indonesia is called kelipuk, in Lampung, Indonesia it is called Ringgak, in Dayak, Indonesia it is called ilung-ilung, and in Manado, Indonesia it is called tumpe. Water hyacinth can easily adapt to the environment. These adaptations are related to extreme changes in water level, water currents, changes in nutrient availability, pH, temperature and toxins in water. This plant is easy to grow in various places. Such as in shallow ponds, wetlands, swamps, slow water flows, lakes, water reservoirs or rivers. Although water hyacinth is considered a weed in waters, it actually plays a role in capturing heavy metal pollutants and has many benefits. First, food for humans and food for livestock, but must be processed properly because it can be toxic if processed incorrectly. Second, to make crafts as a substitute for rattan or synthetic leather. Third, it is used for making briquettes from water hyacinth.

    Briquettes are an alternative energy source in the form of solid blocks. Materials for making briquettes are usually flammable materials. The material must have a low water content in order to produce a high calorific value. The volatile content of the briquette-making material also affects the rate of combustion, so briquettes cannot be made from just any material. One of the materials that can be used to make briquettes is water hyacinth. Water hyacinth is one of Indonesia's geographical potentials that can be used as industrial raw materials, namely the briquette industry. How to make water hyacinth briquettes is relatively easy, here are the steps to make water hyacinth briquettes.

Tools and materials:

  1. Water Hyacinth Plant
  2. Tapioca flour
  3. Water
  4. Iron barrel
  5. Sieve
  6. Briquette mold

Making Steps

  1. Prepare tools and materials to make water hyacinth briquettes.
  2. Grill the water hyacinth in an iron barrel. Bake for about 6 hours or until it turns to charcoal.
  3. Cool the water hyacinth charcoal that has been burned.
  4. Sift water hyacinth charcoal. The goal is to get a finer grain of charcoal.
  5. Make adhesive from tapioca flour. The trick is to heat the water, then add the tapioca flour.
  6. Prepare the adhesive to glue the water hyacinth charcoal.
  7. Mix water hyacinth charcoal and adhesive. The dose is 120 grams of charcoal and 5 grams of adhesive.
  8. Stir the dough until the mixture is even.
  9. Print the water hyacinth briquette dough. Press using a press so that the dough becomes solid.
  10. Dry the briquette molds in the sun for about 5 days.

The following video for making Water Hyacinth Briquettes in Utilizing the Potential of New Renewable Energy in the world is in below.
